AV IN: Gar hunting is prohibited from April 1 to July 1 beyond this period of more than a day 5 kg fish hunting is permitted.

Be kept LOCATIONS: Water on the underfed. Sardines, mackerel, and anchovies fish such as aterina feeds. Power can afford to have a structure that the attacker does not hesitate to attack each fishing trip. It also does not hesitate to attack any fish. At the same time almost all types of fish feed is used as avlanılmasında. Patrol areas close to the beach, fresh water flows into the sea like a lot of places 1.5 meters longitudinal grow up. Runner-making by pulling feeds avlanabildiği mobile fishing tackles, such as natural feed in the form of reed hunt teams are pulling throw from the beach. High quality fishing line fishing line should be used more than fine and pulls.

USED ​​FEED: Gar and fake the bait to catch the fish, meat and fish at the beginning of kullanabilirsiniz.Sahte feed is being sold malzemecilerinde silk silk gelmektedir.Ama will provide more efficiency on the boat for coastal areas, hunting for the best selection of horse mackerel meat, fish meat is resistant to use olacaktır.Daha . though it's hard to believe, horse mackerel, garfish 1 will be enough for you to make a prey.

USED ​​TACKLE: Gar meat and fish bait to fake the bait to use for the team considering aynıdır.Takımın water should come from the top of the clip to insert in kamışınızın a needlefish swim in the ball and the second is when the fishing line selection for this team yeterlidir.Geriye bait bait to use a bit of practice farklıdır.Sahte In this case, a single with a needle bağlayabilirsiniz.Kaşık silikonunuzu body itself is 3-pin pin you need also use silk to catch garfish olmayacaktır.Kıyıdan yoktur.İpek yellow silk, no need to insert the needle hunting is more efficient.
Team is prepared to feed 1 cm connected with an interval of 3 consecutive tamamlanır.Bu team with a needle connected to a feed istavritten selected because it is more durable long-lasting single-sided fillet olacaktır.İstavrti done before, and then from the upper east side of the tail 5 mm thickness of at least the length of the part will be kesilir.Bu 7 cm should be good, so the size of the fish to use as bait in the water seçemelisiniz.Daha smaller the oath action will deteriorate.
The first needle connected to the body removed from the ribbon feed oltanıza takın.Yemi and a tour of the helical rotations of the first to have a needle inserted sağlayın.Bu pulling him in his own way, will call the attention of bait in the water and the fish will return.

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