AV PERIOD: May 1 to October 31 of each breed to hunt ahtopotu prohibited. During the winter, except for restricted zones that are free of the hunt to be over 1 kg octopus hunt is free with registration.

Be kept LOCATIONS: cephalopods octopus into the group in our country but in other seas, the Black Sea is a common alien life form. This live rock in general, are the bottoms of the cavities in the rock. Common in rocky areas alive. At the same time the bottom of the sand, mainly in areas where octopuses are found frequently.

USED ​​FEED: Octopus from the shore or boat avlanılır spoon or fake feed. In our country, in general, used to fake the bait to hunt Octopus avlanılsada spear.

AV TIME: Octopus hours were likely to hit the sun dipping perpendicular to the slot and the slot does not go beyond those hours. If you go to the cool of the morning and evening can be sure that the ahtapotumuzun yemlenmeye.


1) Fake feed
2) 2 pieces 2-3 no needle
3), 0:35 to 12:40 mm. gut
4) Lead
5) bullet back swivel geçiremiyecek

FISHING TEAM PREPARATION: As can be seen in the picture above ready to eat one or two pieces of fake 2-3 no needle with a rope tightly wrapped in a thin solid ring düğümlenerek sabitlenir.Yemin 0:35 or 0.40 mm 50 cm body line is impervious to reverse the bullet end of the vane thickness, Fırdöndünün idle the network bullet holes in the sides of the remaining ring end of the cutting line passing 0.45 mm Swivel hooks up bağlanır.Burada to be aware of is that the needles are connected to the point.

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