AV IN : Levrek'in carp spawning period and the April 15 to June 15, between the fishing rod or other materials is prohibited fishing.

Be kept PLACES : Gerekir.Küçük fish for perch to observe a very good areas for herds to areas where the flocks so often it's just the point yoktur.Fakat fish need to look deep rocky perch alanlardır.Şayet you know that the first place you should look at the bottom or at the time of a göldeyseniz The places where the stone edge of the dump. The best example of this Büyükçemece lake lake water distribution channel begins at the end of the bridge piers and Terkos noktalardır.Bu juvenile fish of vision, even in such areas is probably not ignore the potential for rock fish.

USED ​​FEED : Fake fish, both fresh water and live fish, sea bass, and even worm yakalayabilirsiniz.Büyük size, even more than those who live fish and fake baits overall objective will be to give Priorities in the shape of this hunting perch öneriyorum.Tatlı gezerler.Genellikle active in the groups of fish at certain times of the day If you happen to walk around the herd for hunting prey, to make your life olasıdır.Tabi 1 karıştan small drop sizes in the same place at a later date would be a valid reason for you to hunt.
Fake fish selection is not many options you can use to perch on the market for mini-shad, such as you see in the picture kısıtlıdır.Fakat 3-5 cm olabilir.Ben hunting from a good selection of fake fish usually prefer the size and color of the mepps alternative to fake the bait and spoons is for you ediyorum.Diğer recommend it especially green phosphor coating, or the like, which may be thunder bug.
This is an inefficient use of live fish, especially fish that can hunt a hunt to ensure efficient live bait getirebilirsiniz.Her how hard but small bait fish fly capture using needles and small pieces of bread mümkün.İlk able to catch the fish you see in the picture again, and prepare a float team 3-Gang After you have connected to the needle continues to hunt small prey fish and hunt edebilirsiniz.Solucan connected to the float number 6-7 single needle feed kulalnılmalıdır.

USED ​​TACKLE : For information on the fake fish given above, ie, topic based on the bottom with live bait rod ilede how to use it, but I recommend hunting yapacağınız.Canlı yeminizi medium paint float instead of etmiyorum.Onun 0,20 mm 6-7 for the number of fishing line and worm brown needles, needle-point number 3 6-7 live fish, again connecting the team to prepare. Ring worm is only fitted to the needle.
Attached to the dorsal fin and fish fry fish live bait you use the fishing rod float shock bırakılır.Küçük forward slowly to avoid placing a small float, so avoid using gezdirecektir.Bu.

Tips :
* Do not overlook the possibility of hunting with live fish pike.
* Levreğinin dorsal fins as weapons and threatened freshwater sailing will pop up immediately after removing from the water so carefully grasp the.
* Live fish together at rest.
* Since the fluorescent colors of fake fish in general use for the color selection.

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