AV IN : Ban on tuna fishing in all areas Sudak March 15 to April 30 is between. Permitted min. Length 26 cm. more than 10 pieces to keep the look and yumulmuştur.

Be kept PLACES : Large, deep, rigid base should break even stony and rocky, the water turbid lakes or rivers of light streamed lovers. Blurred eyesight is more than the water in the water allows it to catch up by taking advantage of easier prey. In general, except for very large sudaklar, swim in shoals. This means that the water will be more triggered, hunting fish to strike. The wee hours of the morning and at night or on cloudy times when the weather is ideal for hunting perch. However, the bait hits throughout the day. Normally 6 -12 meter captured at depths of.

Sudak is inserted into the coast to spawn in the spring and yemlenmek. Summers are warm weather, deep drawn, from time to time come to hunt the shore. To find the water temperature to 30 degrees cooler bottom waters are taken. Deep-hooked pike hits the hot summer days and warm summer nights hunt the shallows searches. Navigate through cool weather in autumn and the cold nights, deep down, with the aim of hunting shallows during the day approached the weather warms. So the best time to hunt in the autumn pike early hours of the morning. The deepest water is pulled down his perch in winter, but this does not constitute a waiver of hunting, hunting in winter, and even ice can be made from the top perch.

USED ​​FEED : Sudak suitable for keeping fish baits rudd, roach and freshwater levreğidir. In addition, of course, other species of fish used as bait, but the bait fish used to have a structure that is thin and tall you need to give attention to. Half fish, and fish that pieces can be used as bait. Worm or worm-held perch fish are very rare.

USED ​​TACKLE : Very aggressive and juvenile fishes in the area where beef on a perch with a fish, especially if they are the offspring of the red wing reaches a complete massacre, usually pike rod shows the same similarity. Although the frog's favorite food as bait, especially small 10-inch small fish used as live or dead. 5 numbers that apply in the pike spoon avlanacağınızda kaşıktır pear. The last part of your line is an important issue to note is that instead of fishing line or guitar string instrument is that it promotes benefits in the face of sharp teeth. Although there are very aggressive fish, pike-perch and the occasional eating before approaching followed for a long time that the tooth has decided to throw food safe place.

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