Blue Fish

AV IN: Bluefish tuna hunt April 1 to August 31 is prohibited between, beyond this period and a minimum length of 14 cm per day, provided that no more than 5 kg hunting is permitted.

Be kept LOCATIONS: Bluefish is a fish roaming the Strait of Istanbul, the Marmara and the Dardanelles Strait pickup of many places. Bosphorus, the coast of Anatolia and Rumelia lights in front of the throat, almost all of the Kandilli, Çengelköy, Kanlica, Istinye, Yenikoy, Baby, Küçüksu, Ortaköy, Beşiktaş, Stone between the regions, Seraglio Point and Yenikapı still hunt from the shore can be done efficiently places. Çanakkale, Kepez pier, gunpowder pier, large motor pier, Helles, Kilitbahir places where hunting can be done.

USED ​​FEED: Bluefish fishing and all kinds of breeds, including attacks. For this reason, the best bluefish butts and garfish bait is live bait yemdir.Baş, horse mackerel, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, tag, used kocagöz'de.

AV TIME: During the day, in spite of the hunt, the evening and the morning sun to rise to sunset 01:00 at night to hunt Bluefish close to the ideal times.

USED ​​TACKLE: Bluefish tuna fishing with the long form of the most enjoyable hunt. Such as bluefish and holding a long fishing line, fishing lines in the same way the needle and strengthening a bit more wrasse, sea bass, dentex and keep balıklarıda as possible.
FISHING TEAM PREPARATION: mushroom 100 meters long, 0.50 - 0.60 no fishing line is wound. Fırdöndünün swivel attached to the end of an empty 2 cm thick fishing line is connected to the other ring 1 fathoms in length. 3 cm of cutting line to the other end is connected to a three-way swivel. This fırdöndünün lower ring 2 inch long 12:50 no fishing line is added, and is safe for connecting the end of the sounder. Length of idle dip in the middle gözünede 1 0.50 - 0.60 no fishing line is connected. 2 cm of cutting line a swivel attached to the other end of this. The other part of the body on idle gözünede this fırdöndünün 4-5 fathoms long, which constitutes 0:30 to 0:40 bedenlik of no fishing line is connected to a bright white color. This cutting line we see photographs below ucunada team completed a long rod connected to one of the teams needle.


AV IN: Squid Hunt ayındada the month starting in mid-March, is rare.

Be kept LOCATIONS: Squid are marine fish, almost all of our country, but more rastlanmaktadır.4-5 meters depth in the Mediterranean Sea, where the ground is rocky and grassy areas kinds of places will catch squid efficient. Because these types of places, squid and squid ambush feature intensive use of fish fed areas. Uneven floors and large rocks rocky sand to parts of the regions where the grass that fits the nature of these species and places, and squid. Squid, rock corners and grassy surfaces gezinecektir to ambush its prey. You will get the best results, do this kind of

KULLANILANBİLECEK FEED: This is specifically designed for business people (the umbrella) was regarded as indispensable in the hunt for the artificial fish Cuttle fish and squid, and the effect is undeniable. This is providing artificial fish or squid and squid caught in the hands do. But it may be any artificial yemlede.

AV TIME: Squid is usually the dark of the night to hunt for prey in the dark is usually done when it's dark or twilight in the morning.


1) Squid zokası
2) Triple swivel
3) Clip-on swivel
4) 0.40 mm. gut
5) is 0.35 mm. gut
6), but in general varies according to avlağa 200 gr. lead

FISHING TEAM Preparation of: I. However, use of three or more zokası squid. The main body of squid body bağlıyoruz.Ana 0.40 mm zokalarını a meter apart. hinder 0.35 mm. consists of fishing line. Hinder length 150 cm. olmalıdır.Kalamar team made ​​made ​​around the picture becomes. It will be to understand.


AV PERIOD: May 1 to October 31 of each breed to hunt ahtopotu prohibited. During the winter, except for restricted zones that are free of the hunt to be over 1 kg octopus hunt is free with registration.

Be kept LOCATIONS: cephalopods octopus into the group in our country but in other seas, the Black Sea is a common alien life form. This live rock in general, are the bottoms of the cavities in the rock. Common in rocky areas alive. At the same time the bottom of the sand, mainly in areas where octopuses are found frequently.

USED ​​FEED: Octopus from the shore or boat avlanılır spoon or fake feed. In our country, in general, used to fake the bait to hunt Octopus avlanılsada spear.

AV TIME: Octopus hours were likely to hit the sun dipping perpendicular to the slot and the slot does not go beyond those hours. If you go to the cool of the morning and evening can be sure that the ahtapotumuzun yemlenmeye.


1) Fake feed
2) 2 pieces 2-3 no needle
3), 0:35 to 12:40 mm. gut
4) Lead
5) bullet back swivel geçiremiyecek

FISHING TEAM PREPARATION: As can be seen in the picture above ready to eat one or two pieces of fake 2-3 no needle with a rope tightly wrapped in a thin solid ring düğümlenerek sabitlenir.Yemin 0:35 or 0.40 mm 50 cm body line is impervious to reverse the bullet end of the vane thickness, Fırdöndünün idle the network bullet holes in the sides of the remaining ring end of the cutting line passing 0.45 mm Swivel hooks up bağlanır.Burada to be aware of is that the needles are connected to the point.


AV IN: There is no limit on size is not the period of ban on eel in the sea. However, the allowable daily 5kg snake fish.

Be kept LOCATIONS: Eel places the need for efficient hunting and bakırçayda Gediz delta estuary as a common stream or river bottoms and grassy areas of the reeds and the water is not too deep places places approximately 1.5 2 feet deep.

USED ​​FEED: mamun fore the wolf eel mussels can try as many sea fishing bait used in the garden, but I have provided the most successful worm.

AV TIME: Towards the evening, one hour before the sun sets and the sun set in the period of emergence of the month following that completely can be the most efficient hunting. Eels are typically stored during the day, night fished.

USED ​​TACKLE AND PREPARATION: The materials required for the pulley or fungal numbers 50 -60 40-50 meters fishing line wrapped around the body 60cmlik 40 numbers, fishing swivel to connect the rope to the body, the body end of the 20-30 gr bullet, depending on the body fishing line to connect the two shackle shackles number of 35-40 and consists of 5 or 4 hook.

Sarpa FISH

AV IN: Sarpa period, although there is a ban on fish spawning a certain date is April to August inclusive I think we need this information

Be kept LOCATIONS: Sarpa fish common in the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea and the Marmara is a creature in a little bit. Generally, sheltered rocky areas along the coast and sandy regions certainly does not wander, more than 50-100 meters from the shore until the release of the expenses and always live in the same area, rocky areas, sandy areas on moss ways to feed you so will not fall.

USED ​​FEED: Feed the use of this balığımıza bread crumb hiding're putting needles into the inside of the dough into a ball to bring, if you need more bread into the bread dough into kabuklarınıda can soak.

AV TIME: balığımızda like all marine fish in general, and in the morning the weather fading dusk evening will be fed. You can not fish at noon for the job is the job I would not say fortune.


1) 10 g. travels lead
2) Small size swivel
3) 0:25 or 0:30 and white fishing line
4) 8 number of diagonal white fine needle.

FISHING TEAM PREPARATION: Kasnağımızı take, and on not less than 50 meters fishing line sarıyoruz thickness 0.25 and 0.30 shall not exceed the number should be 100 meters as an option, but do not need to wrap, line put the lead after surrounding the tip of a small overhead .. bullet weight of 10 grams is enough, we wear a small swivel in front of the bullet travels attribute, now the most important part of the team that came to the body, the body will be similar to oltasına Cyprus, but the body is going to be less than the number of needle thin diagonal white 6-pin wire the number 8, you want to watch and chain like needles I am using can connect the two by simply kösteksizdir kösteksiz but the most ideal, is the lead oltamızda sinking to the bottom and watch and chain, but kösteksiz If you minimize this risk can be installed if the needles are downloaded, kösteksizdir my advice. Body length of the needles connected with the next part and a total of 30 cm is idle, the body may be longer, but strive not to show short.


AV IN: Leer (lamb), fish breeding period ends on 31 August, starting on May 15. It was during this period takipen yasağıda hunting. S $ 633 fine for failure to comply ban on fishing by giving hunters hunt malzemelerede used will be seized.

Be kept LOCATIONS: Akya is not specific to only the waters of our country. Western Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf are also found. In general, large living water depths up to 50 meters, although preference should break the stony bottoms; yemlenmek must break the shore, and again inserted into the shallows, rocky-bottomed six coastal currents are common. Most of the time in the water spilled into the sea via rivers, deltas suffer underfed fish fry here. In short, lots of juvenile fish is rocky, coast descends steeply to the sea, discharge area, or quiet bays, creeks great places for enthusiasts trying to hunt eğızları wrasse from the shore. Sit down and sail along the coast or sea fishing small fish from time to time between working Amateurs plunging into the waters leap like a storm, attacking the big fish fry can see. This fish is not a fish that can be distinguished as easily as you usually jacks and barracuda, or close relatives or sarıkuyruktur yaladerma. These attacks are often found in multiple fish.

USED ​​FEED: akyem class, of course, considered wrasse fish food. Gar, large mackerel, large sardines, mackerel, chub mackerel, mullet, ilarya, albacore, bluefish, such as fish can be used as live or dead sürütmede all. Tekgoz sheets or cut baits were used in the sürütmede live or dead baits all are not so successful. Of course, none of it does not replace the live feed. Dead or live squid whole Mediterranean seine particularly successful fodder for the wrasse.

AV TIME: Akya fish at hours other than the evening and the morning because it is easy to hunt seherinde when they emerge from the actual hunting this time.


1. Do not leave tool
2. Seine
3. Ending pull
4. Fly Kit

METHODS AV Application:

1. Drop club: As we explained above, by entering the shallows where the fry jacks yemlenmek attacks. This habit can easily capture his shore leave provides teams. To do this, put random empty-handed kalınacağına selected wrasse often seen yemlendiğinin should break the stony bottom of a very shallow bays should be selected. This is half the work. Each bay is not identical, so the number of "discharge the bays" and "quiet coves" arranged for the two types.
The current number of the bays are arranged as above. Now let's open it a little. The current deficit is towards the shore, about 3-4 pounds of 150 cutting line to the other end connected to a foot stone is connected to the first buoy is shown in the picture. Foot stone, and the distance between the depth of the float should be as much as 1 to 1.5 fathoms. The first swim buoy on the same thickness of 3-4 lines to connect to the second buoy. Balance the weight of the float and the distance between two buoys placed in the clamping 4-6 pieces. This kıstırmalar thrown to fly floats well as preventing weight due to the captured wrasse will fatigue more quickly. After that, according to a depth of 070 fathoms up to one brilliant cut fishing line connected to the body 5/0-7/0 live bait needle, preferably mullet, bluefish, or garfish and underfed. Team is ready. Team, rather than leaving the bottom water feed to stay close to and around ortalara that there are no entities need to be stored easily. Put the description of the tool lengths, the depth may vary depending on the size and condition of the coast. As a general principle should be long enough to put it right to say that the larger the team will be attacked easily boggle wrasse is provided in this way. When it comes to the buoys. In recent years, an increasing trend, plastic bottles and used as a float. Cheapness, easy availability of PET bottles under the hand of every moment with the amateur style, to be transparent as well as functional and may be preferred. As long as environmental pollution yaratmayalım later threw them into the sea. Put the discharge does not, then the team also simplifies the waters calm and organized like the following.

2. Seine: The most commonly used method is the fact that hunting is Akya fish. At the garfish as bait, including live mullet, bluefish, mackerel and squid are used. All dead or alive live squid baits should be preferred when using the other. The dead leaves of last resort is not possible to feed all available Amam, they show the same efficiency. Sürütmede artificial bait can be used. Spoon willow leaf number 5, 20-25 inch mackerel pattern, black or blue back, orange, and red-headed artificial fishes does the job.
Artificial Feeding troughs for Akya seine recommended as above. Classic is a suite, usually arranged in hand rod. Is not much different from those described in the construction of the team's other fish. Increased thickness wrasse is a fish bigger than just tough. Obviously no chance to fish here, with the thicknesses team recognized. Traditionally it as close to the thickness thinner than the team I donatmanızı is recommended, for example fishing up to 100, 90-100 armrest, and the body they say 70-80. Will not be counted towards large prey, such as wrasse nisinayı mushroom wrap, can not grow slack. Boat fishing rod must be mounted at least 200 feet wrapped çıkrığa. The reel swivel in all directions, it is wise to request types frenlenebilecek should return and line feed. According to sandalınıza I think you need to make or take out. After the first innings of work to dive deeper into realizing wrasse caught the boat to meet these harsh reaction in the gut sağılmalıdır up to 25-30 meters. This is a small bucket or basin with water in the sağılırsa fishing line in the mix.
Set machine as a reed is held, this time will need to compensate for a single set of weights. This team's cane marine medium series, preferably, but not all end ring roller is recommended that these types of heavy mass 200-300 g or 2.4 meters., A reed in the launcher will work. Mechanical spinning wheel type must be hard enough fishing line reel wrap machines types, in which case the fish can not control. Machine team is never 050-052 shall not exceed the thickness of fishing line, and the body should be around 045. In recent years, especially in the small fishing yanbancı Amateurs using the shock body between the use of the so-called thick body yaygınlaşmaktadır.Makinalı the case of some fishing boat, the fish must be hand-picked yanaştırıldığında body.
Yemlenebilse all dead or live bait in the team when you are prompted with a spoon sürütülür often. Sometimes the only 5 numbers according to the size of the fish in nearby willow leaf silver spoon or a consecutive number added two tablespoons 4-5 can also be used. Wont last to leave the needle has been used in two tablespoons of spinach. Wrasse attacked the mouth is large, and the ambition of a single needle is not enough. If you have a great expectation of fish 5 pin number is one or two sizes too big spoon with galvanized triple needle is useful to change. In recent years, the market is quite widespread heavy silver spoons, and select the appropriate ones boydakileri can also be used with various patterns. Love wrasse eats squid, which feeds an imitation baits will give good results, especially in the Mediterranean Sea or the South Aegean Sea. But the bottom of this feed taktırılması the appropriate size which is quite expensive ones, will have great sorrow at the loss.
As described above, the machine-or hand-held rod should break some rocky bottoms, in places such as around yarbaşları depths of 8-12 fathoms 30 fathoms until the boat swinging rapidly drizzle 2-3 miles per hour. Towed near the bottom during the team to arrive, but must be careful to avoid hooking the bottom rubbing. Slight mold will not get blown this time the need to increase the weight. So water, trying situation will need to find the most suitable depths.
3.Atıp Cash: Well, is not standard practice for throwing picks wrasse. So long as the throw to go hunting fishing wrasse doing pull away team, "I'm going to catch wrasse" That's not much. At least a large wrasse are not targeted. But fishing "not" no. Withdrawal is made more than throw from the shore: If you have a chance to go to sea rowing has already said, does not pull or throw one's mind. As we explained above, wrasse are often small bays, shallows, stream into their mouths yemlenmeye do this kind of work has a chance of catching wrasse doing pull threw.
Let's throw shoot. As we have said, there is no standard method to hunt wrasse is there a standard set of tried, but of course also possible to prepare easily. 2.4 to 2.7 meters tall pull throw for the team, 30-60, or 40-80, preferably spinning wheel type of reed and threw a quality-tested pull (fire type) machines will be required. Getting to know your machine on the introduced type of shot rod. If it is 100 meters from the wrap fishing line capacity of 040 normal machine (fixed roller) can also use the. You will not need lines to stay on the side of fish taken by fishing line 045.
Artificial baits to attract fish to throw, especially bright metallic silver spoons shaped like willow leaves, or can be. Artificial fish mackerel desenlisi, back in black or blue renklisi, red or orange-colored heads will work. These types of floating balanced veye should be preferred. If you wrasse nearby Rapala ratling model (small beads in the shooting şakırdayan), veye above water because of the special structure of the mouth şapırdadıp escape the waters of young fish that mimics the type of shooting, which it called a popper, the fish may be of interest. When Popper rod end to the first wrapped firmly shaking water şapırdatması machine is provided, the same action is repeated by waiting a short period of time. After a shot by waiting a little spoon for spoon sank near the bottom to be provided, as if to imitate fish fry and then splash with the tip of the reed and sank quickly wrapped spoon standing 6-7 meters is expected to again taken the same action is repeated. In this way, the user is actually used for bonito zokaları is reminiscent of wool or tripping.
Akya tough, agile and very active fish when a fish is a very good use of the tool by the machine's brake system attacks the fish often need to be set.

4.Fly team and fisheries: Bonito briefly mention about the teams on the fly used in the high seas. Here you can look there if you want tekraralamıyoruz. Akya pack and hunt for the fly is not very common, but usually yellowtail, dorado and tuna are being fished extensively all over the world to fly with the keypad. The first requirement to pack plenty of fly fishing on the high seas to make feeding. In the meantime, the fish "you come you're approaching" I can not say that you can not control the future of the feeding of the fish wrasse, which by the way is worthy to fly the team to hit the ground yemlenen.
The same can be used for Akya mentioned bonito fly team team also equipped with a bit heavier than desired. We recommend that the same team will do, but only a small change in the body. Sea hunt that is connected to the body by passing them through rings detected by the fish's body a chance to change quickly explained that. Here's wrasse you quickly whether to continue feeding into the lower body and discard.


AV PERIOD: The coral spring breeding period is from August aylarıyla. Following this period of hunting in October, November months.

Be kept PLACES: The most famous fish of warm and temperate seas. Karagözle seas together form a large family. Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean common. Coral is usually rocky areas and live in the vicinity. This aligns the coastal areas to the sea and the island can look in places such as their environment stand to hunt down bump-start by the time the bullet found a sand bottom is pebbly or understand.

USED ​​FEED: coral the best food fresh fresh sardines, anchovies, sülünez, mamun, goat, wolf, shrimp, sliced ​​squid, cuttlefish and white fish fillets, such as mackerel or horse mackerel as bait may be used.

AV TIME: Coral fish where the fish in general, a time to reap where it would be wrong to think that this fish. However, in general, for the evening and the morning sea fish avlanılır seherinde.

USED ​​TACKLE AND PREPARATION: 0:35 Coral rod fishing line, three-fob plus a thief, should be four watch and chain, I'm available to connect the two sides of the thief fishing holes have been using 75 g of lead, coral bottom-dwelling fish of 50 cm in the team because it is a limitation of my choice, a shackle lead exceed the size of the hole in the bottom of approximately 7-8 cm high enough to exceed the size of the bullet hole in the shackle again, a top tether length of 15 cm up to 10 cm around, tether length of 10 cm around the fourth of ten 15 cm, 25 cm until it snaps at the top of a swivel, swivel air harder the cutting line and then summed 0:40 intermingling of fishing line easier to resolve conflicts in a diminished or fishing line 0:45 to 0:50, this is my choice because it is the coral bottom-dwelling fish,
If necessary for the installation of squid rapalasinin I must ce swivel snaps, taking up the fish or the fish suddenly feel a weight has bite marks on her neck and the surrounding area has a strong squid Swivel immediately by inserting a kalamarrapalası continue to hunt normal coral. My other friends; hırsızdaki around 25cm doing the first fob and not a shackle shackle using two bullets, the second shackle connecting lead is not in place on top of his 25-30 cm, length 25 cm vicinity, the third shackle around his length of 25 cm and 25-30 cm on the 25-30 cm distance and around 25 cm for the fourth shackle length, up to six can fob. In addition, can not pass without reminding the job masters using only one or two shackle,
Tag, cigarette butts, broken coral double shackle when there are a lot more useful as well as fine fish, bottom-dwelling fish called a thief needle often lies at the bottom that lies in the coral, sea bream and sea bream type fish hunting benefit, your team needs to be renewed on each hunt shackle and needles, a needle 15 fish Even if he has kept the rust, get shot, but the needle goes hard palate, watch chains from turning hanoz (Hani), and fish such as bream fishing on the day thanks to the renewal of each of these scales is necessary to make and circulate in the body, which is now the most flarokarbon and intelligent cutting all this movement and range of minimized.